Dynamic Dog
A Dynamic Dog consultation is unique as it considers all aspects of your dog's daily life, including their physical health, which can significantly influence problematic behaviors.
Why a Dynamic Dog Assessment?
There is a strong correlation between pain and behavior, but identifying pain can be quite challenging.
Why is pain such an important factor? It’s not always obvious; it's not just about a limp or a whine. Pain-related behavior is extremely complex. Dogs don't typically express discomfort in the ways we might expect, and their signs can be subtle, often going unnoticed for weeks, months, or even years!
As a Dynamic Dog Practitioner, I can identify potential signs of discomfort and communicate them to your veterinarian. This helps ensure that you and your dog can find relief sooner while also addressing your dog’s behavior.
Why wait for your dog to go lame, before considering they are in pain?

Step One: Deep Dive Consultation
We begin with a 60-90-minute virtual meeting to thoroughly explore every aspect of your dog’s life - from their medical history to their favorite sleeping position. This consultation serves as the foundation for your dog’s Dynamic Dog Assessment.
Step Three: Dynamic Dog Assessment & Vet Report
Once you’ve submitted the footage, I will review all the photos and videos you provided to create a detailed report to share with you and your vet.
Step Two: Photo & Video Evidence
Following our Deep Dive consultation, you will gather photos and videos of your dog doing various activities of daily life to assess any physical issues.​
Step Four: Follow-up Consultation
​Once the report is complete, we will schedule a 30-minute follow-up virtual call. During this session, I will go over the findings in the report, answer any questions you may have, discuss the next steps, and any recommendations for your dog.
Your Dynamic Dog Assesment

I understand the impact that both emotional and physical health may have on a dog's behavior. Everything is interconnected, which is why a full and detailed assessment is done when working with you and your dog.
What is included:
60-90 minute deep dive consultation
Your Dynamic Dog Assessment
Detailed Veterinary report
30 min review and follow up
Veterinary liaison request